These data are best used for spatiotemporal analyses. Also see the gfiphc package which implements a design-based index standardization. Data from 1998 onwards come from the IPHC website. Data from 1996 and 1997 come from local spreadsheets as described in gfiphc.
Once the 2 data frames are joined, a data frame with these columns:
- year
- station
Station ID
- station_key
A unique station key from IPHC; occasionally there are multiple sets at the same
but this column is always unique. It's also unique across years.- longitude
Longitude (mid point)
- latitude
Latitude (mid point)
- species_science_name
Scientific name
- hooks_observed
Number of hooks observed for non-halibut species
- number_observed
Number of hooks with the species of interest
- pbs_standard_grid
Logical: standard grid stations through time as defined in gfiphc
- inside_wcvi
Logical: inside Vancouver Island waters (2018 only) vs. anywhere else; you may want to exclude these from spatiotemporal modelling
- sample_type
Sample type (first 20 hooks vs. all hooks)
- soak_time_min
Soak time
- temp_c
Temperature in degrees C
- depth_m
Depth in m
- species_common_name
Species common name
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 290103 rows and 6 columns.