class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Example: Spatiotemporal modeling of Pacific cod ] .subtitle[ ## DFO TESA sdmTMB workshop ] .author[ ### ] .date[ ### January 16–19 2023 ] --- <!-- Build with: xaringan::inf_mr() --> # Extending to a spatiotemporal model Reminder, the Pacific Cod dataset: .small[ ```r pcod %>% select(year, X, Y, depth, density, present) %>% head() #> # A tibble: 6 × 6 #> year X Y depth density present #> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 2003 446. 5793. 201 113. 1 #> 2 2003 446. 5800. 212 41.7 1 #> 3 2003 449. 5802. 220 0 0 #> 4 2003 437. 5802. 197 15.7 1 #> 5 2003 421. 5771. 256 0 0 #> 6 2003 418. 5772. 293 0 0 mesh <- make_mesh(pcod, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 10) ``` ] --- # Our previous spatial model fit ```r fit <- sdmTMB( present ~ poly(log(depth), 2), data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = binomial(link = "logit"), spatial = "on" ) ``` --- # Switching to density ```r fit <- sdmTMB( * density ~ poly(log(depth), 2), data = pcod, mesh = mesh, * family = tweedie(link = "log"), spatial = "on" ) ``` --- # Switching to a smoother + annual mean ```r fit <- sdmTMB( * density ~ s(depth) + 0 + as.factor(year), data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = tweedie(link = "log"), spatial = "on" ) ``` --- # Adding spatiotemporal fields ```r fit <- sdmTMB( density ~ s(depth, k = 5) + 0 + as.factor(year), data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = tweedie(link = "log"), spatial = "on", * time = "year", * spatiotemporal = "iid", silent = FALSE # show progress! ) ``` --- # Inspecting model convergence .small[ ```r sanity(fit) #> ✔ Non-linear minimizer suggests successful convergence #> ✔ Hessian matrix is positive definite #> ✔ No extreme or very small eigenvalues detected #> ✔ No gradients with respect to fixed effects are >= 0.001 #> ✔ No fixed-effect standard errors are NA #> ✔ No standard errors look unreasonably large #> ✔ No sigma parameters are < 0.01 #> ✔ No sigma parameters are > 100 #> ✔ Range parameter doesn't look unreasonably large ``` ] --- # Inspecting the model fit .small[ ```r fit ``` ```r #> Spatiotemporal model fit by ML ['sdmTMB'] #> Formula: density ~ s(depth) + 0 + as.factor(year) #> Time column: "year" #> Mesh: mesh #> Data: pcod #> Family: tweedie(link = 'log') #> coef.est *#> as.factor(year)2003 1.79 0.29 *#> as.factor(year)2004 2.36 0.27 #> ... #> #> Dispersion parameter: 10.78 #> Tweedie p: 1.49 *#> Matern range: 12.85 #> Spatial SD: 1.81 *#> Spatiotemporal SD: 1.78 #> ML criterion at convergence: 6246.433 ``` ] --- # Model residuals .xsmall[ Warning: these residuals are fast but might look off even if the model is fine. Also see MCMC residuals. See the ['Residual checking' vignette]( and the example in the exercises. ] ```r set.seed(1) rq_res <- residuals(fit) # randomized quantile residuals qqnorm(rq_res);qqline(rq_res) ``` <img src="04-pcod-spatiotemporal_files/figure-html/resid1-1.png" width="500px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- <!-- TODO: slides on other types of residuals --> # Model residuals in space .small[ ```r pcod$resids <- residuals(fit) filter(pcod, year %in% c(2015, 2017)) %>% * ggplot(aes(X, Y, colour = resids)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~year) + scale_colour_gradient2() + coord_fixed() ``` <img src="04-pcod-spatiotemporal_files/figure-html/resid2-1.png" width="500px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Predicting on the survey grid ```r p <- predict(fit, newdata = qcs_grid) #> Free parallelADFun object. ``` * `est`: Overall estimate in link space (log here) * `est_non_rf`: Estimate of non-random-field components * `est_rf`: Estimate of random-field components * `omega_s`: Spatial random field * `epsilon_st`: **Spatiotemporal random field** --- # Plotting overall predictions .xsmall[ ```r ggplot(p, aes(X, Y, fill = exp(est))) + geom_raster() + scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt") + facet_wrap(~year) + coord_fixed() ``` <img src="04-pcod-spatiotemporal_files/figure-html/pcod-st-plot-est-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Plotting overall predictions (truncated) .xsmall[ ```r max_est <- quantile(p$est, 0.999) p <- mutate(p, est_trim = if_else(est > max_est, max_est, est)) ``` <img src="04-pcod-spatiotemporal_files/figure-html/pcod-st-plot-est3-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Plotting main effect contributions .xsmall[ ```r ggplot(p, aes(X, Y, fill = exp(est_non_rf))) + geom_raster() + scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt") + facet_wrap(~year) + coord_fixed() ``` <img src="04-pcod-spatiotemporal_files/figure-html/pcod-st-plot-non-rf-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Plotting spatial random effects .xsmall[ ```r ggplot(p, aes(X, Y, fill = omega_s)) + geom_raster() + scale_fill_gradient2() + facet_wrap(~year) + coord_fixed() ``` <img src="04-pcod-spatiotemporal_files/figure-html/pcod-st-plot-omega-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Plotting spatiotemporal random effects .xsmall[ ```r ggplot(p, aes(X, Y, fill = epsilon_st)) + geom_raster() + scale_fill_gradient2() + facet_wrap(~year) + coord_fixed() ``` <img src="04-pcod-spatiotemporal_files/figure-html/pcod-st-plot-eps-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Visualizing spatial uncertainty By sampling from the joint precision matrix .small[ ```r *psims <- predict(fit, newdata = qcs_grid, nsim = 500) dim(psims) #> [1] 65826 500 psims[1:3, 1:4] #> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] #> 2003 -2.953744 -0.6653106 -4.2355453 -1.764134 #> 2003 2.601457 3.2971739 0.7631676 2.999720 #> 2003 3.584363 4.1505816 1.7911469 4.206469 *p$sd <- apply(psims, 1, sd) ``` ] --- # Visualizing spatial uncertainty .small[ ```r filter(p, year %in% c(2013, 2015, 2017)) %>% ggplot(aes(X, Y, fill = sd)) + geom_raster() + facet_wrap(~year) + scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "log10") + coord_fixed() ``` <img src="04-pcod-spatiotemporal_files/figure-html/pcod-st-sims-plot-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Considering anisotropy * Default is isotropic: correlation decays in all directions at same rate * Anisotropic: directionally dependent spatial correlation ```r fit_aniso <- update(fit, anisotropy = TRUE) ``` ```r AIC(fit, fit_aniso) #> df AIC #> fit 16 12524.87 #> fit_aniso 18 12528.46 ``` .xsmall[ * Not favoured here; often important on narrow continental shelves ] --- # Plotting anisotropy .small[ Plot shows range in all directions from zero in the center ```r plot_anisotropy(fit_aniso) ``` <img src="04-pcod-spatiotemporal_files/figure-html/pcod-aniso-plot-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ]