class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Area-weighted index standardization ] .subtitle[ ## IMR sdmTMB workshop ] .author[ ### ] .date[ ### May 23–25 2023 ] --- <!-- Build with: xaringan::inf_mr() --> # Why model-based index standardization? * Design-based methods (stratified means) are straightforward but assume perfect survey implementation -- * Model-based approaches can account for (some) aspects of imperfect implementation (ref WKUSER2) -- * Model-based approaches can leverage spatial correlation to improve precision -- * Model-based approaches can integrate additional data sources, multiple gear types, accounting for gear calibration, etc. --- # Design- vs. model-based estimators -- * Design-based: fish are homogenously distributed within strata; noise comes from sampling -- * Model-based: fish are distributed according to a mathematical model; noise from uncertainty in fish distribution and sampling --- # Calculating an area-weighted population index using sdmTMB 1. Fit a sensible model: .blue[`sdmTMB()`] 2. Predict on a grid covering the survey domain: .blue[`predict(..., newdata = ...)`] 3. Sum up the density multiplied by cell area to calculate total abundance or biomass: .blue[`get_index()`] --- # Fit a sensible model ```r pcod$year_f <- as.factor(pcod$year) mesh <- make_mesh(pcod, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 10) fit <- sdmTMB( * density ~ 0 + year_f, data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = tweedie(link = "log"), spatial = "on", time = "year_f", * spatiotemporal = "iid", silent = FALSE # show progress! ) ``` --- # Predict over the survey domain prediction grid needs to be much smaller than the estimated spatial range .small[ ```r qcs_grid1 <- purrr::map_dfr(seq_len(length(unique(pcod$year))), ~ qcs_grid) qcs_grid1$year = rep(unique(pcod$year), each=nrow(qcs_grid)) qcs_grid1$year_f = as.factor(qcs_grid1$year) pred <- predict( fit, newdata = qcs_grid1, return_tmb_object = TRUE ) select(pred$data, year, X, Y, est) |> head() #> year X Y est #> 1 2003 456 5636 1.639821 #> 2 2003 458 5636 1.682348 #> 3 2003 460 5636 1.724875 #> 4 2003 462 5636 1.767403 #> 5 2003 464 5636 1.889935 #> 6 2003 466 5636 2.361575 ``` ] --- # Predict over the survey domain <img src="07-index-standardization_files/figure-html/pcod-st-plot-est2-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Sum up the density multiplied by cell area (and calculate standard errors) ```r index <- get_index(pred, area = 4, bias_correct = TRUE) head(index) #> year_f est lwr upr log_est se #> 1 2003 936175.6 653699.1 1340715.9 13.74956 0.1832462 #> 2 2004 1832130.4 1359020.1 2469942.7 14.42099 0.1524087 #> 3 2005 1757227.0 1224189.4 2522360.5 14.37925 0.1844208 #> 4 2007 452112.1 328785.5 621698.2 13.02169 0.1625155 #> 5 2009 722981.6 518712.7 1007691.5 13.49114 0.1694080 #> 6 2011 1357885.0 1028850.9 1792146.6 14.12144 0.1415770 ``` --- # The resulting standardized index .xsmall[ ```r ggplot(index, aes(as.numeric(year_f), est)) + geom_line() + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), alpha = 0.4) + xlab('Year') + ylab('Biomass estimate (kg)') ``` <img src="07-index-standardization_files/figure-html/pcod-st-index-plot-1.png" width="600px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Remember... There is *one* design-based index. -- A good model-based estimated depends on the modeller constructing a reasonable model! -- There are *many* possible model-based indexes. Thankfully, results are often (but not always!) qualitatively similar across configurations. .tiny[ Commander, C.J.C, L.A.K. Barnett, E.J. Ward, S.C. Anderson, T.E. Essington. 2022. The shadow model: how and why small choices in spatially explicit species distribution models affect predictions. PeerJ. 10: e12783. <> ]