class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Model selection with sdmTMB ] .subtitle[ ## NOAA PSAW Seminar Series ] .author[ ### ] .date[ ### March 9, 2022 ] --- <!-- Build with: xaringan::inf_mr() --> # What is the goal of modeling? * Straight prediction? * in-sample, out-of-sample, both? * Parsimony? * balance of bias-variance tradeoff * Not all metrics appropriate for all applications --- # Too many metrics to discuss * Root mean squared error * AUC (see pseudo-absence example) * true and false positive rates * AIC: widely used tool in ecology * `\(\mathrm{AIC} = -2 \log L + 2K\)`, where `\(K\)` is the number of parameters * designed for fixed effects models (Burnham and Anderson 2002) --- # AIC and likelihood with sdmTMB * `AIC()` and `logLik()` methods work, just like `glm()` ```r mesh <- make_mesh(pcod, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 10 ) fit <- sdmTMB( present ~ 1, data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = binomial(link = "logit"), spatial = "on" ) logLik(fit) # log likelihood AIC(fit) # AIC ``` --- # When to use restricted maximum likelihood (REML) * Integrates over random effects *and* fixed effects; sometimes helps convergence too * *Can* use REML when comparing different random effect structures * *Don't* use REML when comparing alternative fixed effects * *Don't* use REML for index standardization .small[ ```r fit <- sdmTMB(..., reml = FALSE) ``` ] --- # Reminder: fixed and random effects in sdmTMB Random effects include * random intercepts: `(1 | group)` * smooth terms: `s(year)` * time-varying coefficients * all random fields * spatially varying coefficients (also random fields) --- # Limitations of AIC * Originally conceived for fixed effects * Burnham and Anderson (2002) * Approximate & problematic for mixed effects * Vaida and Blanchard (2005) * Liang et al. (2008) * Great [FAQ on `glmmTMB` by Ben Bolker]( --- # Predictive model selection * Ideal world: use cross validation to evaluate predictive accuracy * Split data into train / test sets * Objective function: * maximize log-likelihood of test data --- # ELPD Expected log pointwise predictive density Interpreted as theoretical expectation for new dataset ELPD: `\(\frac{\log ( \sum( \exp( \log L(y^*|\theta))))} {N}\)`, where: `\(y^*\)` are left-out data, `\(\theta\)` are parameters, and `\(N\)` is the number of left-out data points [Vehtari, Gelman, and Gabry (2017)]( --- # Cross validation in sdmTMB .small[ ```r *fit <- sdmTMB_cv( present ~ 1, data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = binomial(link = "logit"), * k_folds = 8, * fold_ids = NULL, * parallel = TRUE, * use_initial_fit = FALSE ) ``` ] * More folds = more computation time * `use_initial_fit = TRUE` * fits first fold, and initializes subsequent model fits from that --- # Cross validation in sdmTMB `sdmTMB_cv()` returns: - A list of models (each `sdmTMB()` object) - `fold_loglik`: sum of held out likelihoods for each fold - `sum_loglik`: sum across `fold_loglik`, or all data - `fold_elpd`: expected log predictive density for each fold - `elpd`: Expected log predictive density across all data --- # How to choose folds? How many? .small[ * Words of wisdom: * Can be highly variable based on data, folds, sampling scheme * Spatial sampling or random? * [blockCV R package](, [Valavi et al. (2019)]( * How to sample with time / years? * LOOCV (leave-one-out...) vs. LFOCV (leave-future-out...) * `sdmTMB_cv()` does random fold assignment * Custom folds can be specified with `fold_ids` ] --- # Basic cross validation example Set a `future::plan()`; the folds would be fit in parallel ```r *library(future) *plan(multisession) mesh <- make_mesh(pcod, c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 10) *m_cv <- sdmTMB_cv( density ~ s(depth, k = 5), data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = tweedie(link = "log"), * k_folds = 2 ) # Sum of log likelihoods of left-out data: m_cv$sum_loglik #> [1] -12541.86 # Expected log pointwise predictive density # of left-out data: m_cv$elpd #> [1] -1.00918 ``` --- # Ensembling Rather than choose best model, we can do model averaging * Ensemble may perform better than any single model * AIC weights (please don't!) * Stacking --- # Stacking * Borrowed from Bayesian literature, e.g. Yao et al. (2018) * Given set of models, `\(m_{1}, m_{2}, ..., m_{M}\)` * Estimate weights to maximize combined predictive density `$$p(y^* | y) = \sum_{i=1}^{M} w_{i} p(y^*|y, m_{i})$$` `\(y^*\)` is new data (e.g. test); `\(\sum_{i=1}^{M} w_{i} = 1\)` --- # Stacking in sdmTMB ```r sdmTMB_stacking(model_list, include_folds = NULL ) ``` * `model_list` is a collection of models fit with `sdmTMB_cv` * `optim()` is used to find the best weights `\(w_{i}\)` to maximize the combined predictive density * Not in `main` branch yet!