class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Random fields with physical barriers ## NOAA PSAW Seminar Series ### March 9, 2022 --- <!-- Build with: xaringan::inf_mr() --> # Adding a barrier to a random field? Why? Spatial correlation affected by: * Coastlines / Islands / lakes ([Bakka 2016]( .center[ <img src="images/bakka_2016.png" width="450px" height = "400px"/> ] --- # Example of barrier effects on a random field .center[ <img src="images/barrier.png" width="390px"/> ] --- # Adding a barrier within INLA Specify `boundary` attribute to `inla.mesh.2d` ```r mesh <- inla.mesh.2d( boundary = poly, ... ) ``` poly created as an `sp` object * [INLA book]( * [Haakon Bakka book]( --- # Example: trawl surveys from Salish Sea WDFW has extensive survey data on US side of border * described and analyzed in [Essington et al. (2021)]( We'll use a single snapshot (2011) * focusing on presence-absence of Dungeness crab --- # Crab data Presence/absence of Dungeness crabs: .small[ <img src="11-barrier-models_files/figure-html/load-crabs-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Get coastline data for Puget Sound .small[ ```r remotes::install_github("ropensci/rnaturalearthhires") ``` ```r map_data <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries( scale = "large", returnclass = "sf" ) puso <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( sf::st_crop( map_data, c(xmin = -125, ymin = 46.8, xmax = -122, ymax = 49) ) )) crs_utm10 <- 3157 # Pick a projection, here UTM10 # 'WGS84'; necessary on some installs: sf::st_crs(puso) <- 4326 puso <- sf::st_transform(puso, crs_utm10) ``` ] --- # Project and plot .small[ ```r survey <- crabs %>% sf::st_as_sf(crs = 4326, coords = c("lon", "lat")) %>% sf::st_transform(3157) # utm zone 10 ggplot(puso) + # coastline and data: geom_sf() + geom_sf(data = survey, size = 0.5) ``` <img src="11-barrier-models_files/figure-html/proj-plot-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Make the mesh .small[ ```r # Extract the coordinates: surv_utm_coords <- st_coordinates(survey) # Scale coordinates to km so the range parameter # is on a reasonable scale for estimation: crabs$Xkm <- surv_utm_coords[, 1] / 1000 crabs$Ykm <- surv_utm_coords[, 2] / 1000 mesh <- make_mesh(crabs, xy_cols = c("Xkm", "Ykm"), cutoff = 7 ) ``` ] --- # Plotting the initial mesh <img src="11-barrier-models_files/figure-html/plot-mesh-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Adding barrier attributes to the mesh Use `sdmTMB::add_barrier_mesh()` to add on barrier component. Choose a fraction of the range across physical barriers. Values of 0.1 or 0.2 seem to work well. ```r barrier_mesh <- add_barrier_mesh( spde_obj = mesh, barrier_sf = puso, * range_fraction = 0.1, proj_scaling = 1000, # data km but projection m plot = FALSE ) ``` --- # Mesh knots/vertices over land (green) vs. water (blue) <img src="11-barrier-models_files/figure-html/plot-barrier-1.png" width="700px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Fitting the model * Fit model as before with a barrier ```r fit_barrier <- sdmTMB(crab ~ 1, data = crabs, mesh = barrier_mesh, family = binomial(link = "logit") ) ``` --- # Compare spatial parameters * Without barrier ``` #> term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high #> 1 range 31.465826 NA 0.7904659 1252.55011 #> 3 sigma_O 3.574568 NA 0.5005919 25.52485 ``` * With barrier ``` #> term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high #> 1 range 20.023808 NA 5.007244 80.07457 #> 3 sigma_O 9.928765 NA 2.360195 41.76789 ``` --- # Conclusions * Accounting for the barrier changes inference about spatial process In this example: * Without: less complexity in spatial field (large range, small variance) * With: larger spatial variation, smaller better estimated range --- # Advice * Physical barriers aren't an issue for some coastlines * Don't choose a `range_fraction` that is much lower than 0.1 * Accounting for spatial correlation barriers can affect local spatial predictions * Accounting for spatial correlation barriers can affect estimates of range and variance * But, if the goal is to sum up biomass or abundance across space (e.g., index standardization), the impact is usually subtle