class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Priors and parameter bounds ## NOAA PSAW Seminar Series ### March 9, 2022 --- <!-- Build with: xaringan::inf_mr() --> # Maximum likelihood doesn't involve priors!? * Penalized maximum likelihood estimation * Maximize `$$L(\theta | y) \cdot P(\theta | \alpha)$$` * `\(\theta\)` are parameters * `\(y\)` are data * `\(\alpha\)` are hyperparameters controlling prior distribution --- # Penalized estimation in sdmTMB ```r fit <- sdmTMB( ..., * priors = sdmTMBpriors(...), ... ) ``` * `?sdmTMBpriors` --- # What can we put priors on? `\(\beta\)` fixed effects `\(\phi\)` Observation dispersion parameter (e.g., standard deviation for Gaussian, overdispersion for nbinom2) `\(\rho\)` AR(1) parameter for spatiotemporal fields `\(p\)` Tweedie parameter (variance power) `\(h\)` Matérn range `\(\sigma\)` Matérn standard deviation --- # Example: regression coefficients * Simple prior on `\(b_{1}\)` * Note: don't have to specify a prior on all coefficients .small[ ```r mesh <- make_mesh(pcod, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 10 ) fit_prior <- sdmTMB( present ~ depth, data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = binomial(link = "logit"), * priors = sdmTMBpriors(b = normal( * location = c(4.2, NA), * scale = c(0.1, NA)) ) ) ``` ] --- # Example: regression coefficients ```r tidy(fit_prior) #> term estimate std.error #> 1 (Intercept) 4.17801612 0.286589370 #> 2 depth -0.02399596 0.002047891 ``` Compare to model without priors ```r tidy(fit) #> term estimate std.error #> 1 (Intercept) 4.07875568 0.665838251 #> 2 depth -0.02373447 0.002592988 ``` --- # Example: regression coefficients * Covariance in fixed effects can be included with `mvnormal()` .small[ ```r fit_prior <- sdmTMB( present ~ depth, data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = binomial(link = "logit"), spatiotemporal = "off", priors = sdmTMBpriors( * b = mvnormal(b_loc, scale = b_Sigma)) ) ``` ] --- # Example: Matérn priors * Spatial data may not be very informative w.r.t. spatial range and variance * Penalized complexity (PC) priors may help with model convergence * [Fuglstad et al. 2016]( * Penalty on complexity? * Simple random field = low variance, infinite range * Complexity = increasing variance, small spatial range --- # PC priors parameterized in terms of thresholds * `\(\mathrm{Pr}(h > \texttt{range_gt} ) = 1 - \texttt{range_prob}\)` * `\(\mathrm{Pr}(\sigma < \texttt{sigma_lt} ) = 1 - \texttt{sigma_prob}\)` ```r pc_matern( * range_gt = 10, range_prob = 0.05, * sigma_lt = 3, sigma_prob = 0.05 ) ``` --- # Visualizing PC priors ```r sdmTMB::plot_pc_matern( range_gt = 1, sigma_lt = 1.5, range_prob = 0.05, sigma_prob = 0.05 ) ``` <img src="12-priors_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" width="550px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Implementing PC prior: spatial random field .small[ ```r fit_prior <- sdmTMB( present ~ depth, data = pcod, mesh = mesh, family = binomial(link = "logit"), spatiotemporal = "off", priors = sdmTMBpriors(matern_s = pc_matern( * range_gt = 10, * sigma_lt = 3, * range_prob = 0.05, # default * sigma_prob = 0.05 # default )) ) ``` ] --- # Using PC priors with spatiotemporal model * Is range ( `\(h\)` ) shared? `share_range` argument * if so, probably not needed to specify 2 sets of PC priors * For model without shared ranges, can specify separate PC priors ```r priors <- sdmTMBpriors( matern_s = pc_matern(...), matern_st = pc_matern(...) ) ``` --- # Bounds * Sometimes we may want to put hard bounds on a parameter * All optional, lower/upper both need not be specified * See `?sdmTMBcontrol` * Example: constrain depth effect on occurrence to be negative .small[ ```r fit <- sdmTMB( present ~ depth, ..., control = sdmTMBcontrol( * lower = list(b_j = c(NA, NA)), * upper = list(b_j = c(NA, 0)) ) ) ``` ]