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sdmTMB models fit with regular (non-delta) families can be passed to visreg::visreg() or visreg::visreg2d() directly. Examples are shown below. Delta models can use the helper functions visreg_delta() or visreg2d_delta() described here.


visreg_delta(object, ..., model = c(1, 2))

visreg2d_delta(object, ..., model = c(1, 2))



Fit from sdmTMB()


Any arguments passed to visreg::visreg() or visreg::visreg2d()


1st or 2nd delta model


A plot from the visreg package. Optionally, the data plotted invisibly if plot = FALSE. This is useful if you want to make your own plot after.


Note the residuals are currently randomized quantile residuals, not deviance residuals as is usual for GLMs with visreg.


if (require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE) &&
  require("visreg", quietly = TRUE)) {

# \donttest{
  fit <- sdmTMB(
    density ~ s(depth_scaled),
    data = pcod_2011,
    spatial = "off",
    family = tweedie()
  visreg::visreg(fit, xvar = "depth_scaled")

  visreg::visreg(fit, xvar = "depth_scaled", scale = "response")
  v <- visreg::visreg(fit, xvar = "depth_scaled")
  # now use ggplot2 etc. if desired

  # Delta model example:
  fit_dg <- sdmTMB(
    density ~ s(depth_scaled, year, k = 8),
    data = pcod_2011, mesh = pcod_mesh_2011,
    spatial = "off",
    family = delta_gamma()
  visreg_delta(fit_dg, xvar = "depth_scaled", model = 1, gg = TRUE)
  visreg_delta(fit_dg, xvar = "depth_scaled", model = 2, gg = TRUE)
    xvar = "depth_scaled", model = 1,
    scale = "response", gg = TRUE
    xvar = "depth_scaled", model = 2,
    scale = "response"
    xvar = "depth_scaled", model = 2,
    scale = "response", gg = TRUE, rug = FALSE
    xvar = "depth_scaled", yvar = "year",
    model = 2, scale = "response"
    xvar = "depth_scaled", yvar = "year",
    model = 1, scale = "response", plot.type = "persp"
    xvar = "depth_scaled", yvar = "year",
    model = 2, scale = "response", plot.type = "gg"
  # }

#> These are residuals for delta model component 1. Use the `model` argument to
#> select the other component.
#> These are residuals for delta model component 2. Use the `model` argument to
#> select the other component.
#> These are residuals for delta model component 1. Use the `model` argument to
#> select the other component.
#> These are residuals for delta model component 2. Use the `model` argument to
#> select the other component.

#> These are residuals for delta model component 2. Use the `model` argument to
#> select the other component.